Research Proposal on Organic Food

Organic food is the agricultural food which is produced in natural way without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. With the growth of population the problem of food supply became extremely urgent in the latest decades of the 20th century. The only reasonable way out of such a situation was the reform of the agricultural sector and intensive use of the chemicals and pesticides, which stimulate the growth of vegetables and fruits. Evidently, great among of vegetables can solve the problem of starvation, but the quality of such food is quite poor. From the first sight one will not manage to detect a vegetable raised on chemicals, but when one tries it, he understands the reason.

Moreover, high concentration of the extra chemical substances in a vegetable can cause negative effect on the human health. It is obvious that such products are cheap, but they can be quite harmful for people.

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Evidently, many people started to protest against poor-quality agricultural production and united into the communities which decided to grow only healthy food without the use of any harmful substances and called this food organic. A range of countries, like the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc have decided to support the production of organic food. Organic food is considered to be of very high quality which makes it quite expensive for common people. Today, the norm is that organic food is the expensive high-quality healthy food which can be affordable for the rich, and the poor quality fast food and vegetables grown on pesticides are cheap and affordable for everybody.

People have already understood the advantage of consuming organic food which is healthier, tastier and more useful for the organism than the poor quality ‘chemical’ food. A student who is writing an organic food research proposal should devote enough time to the research of the topic to be able to analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of organic food and explain its usefulness to the reader. If a student knows much, he is able to create some new ideas and ways of production of organic food, or even the methods of its growing which can make it more affordable for everyone. In this case a student should complete a good research proposal which can attract the professor’s attention and award him with the chance to conduct a serious investigation of the problem in a research paper.

Free sample research proposals on organic food in the web are quite helpful for students who want to improve their writing skills and knowledge on the topic. Due to the work and creativity of the professional writers a student can read a well-organized free example research proposal on organic food and learn everything about structures, formatting, analysis and convincing manner of writing, which can be the key of success in the process of writing.

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