Family Therapy Research Paper

Family Therapy (also: Systemic family therapy) is a psychotherapeutic that study systemic relationships and interpersonal relations in a group as a basis for diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders seen and interpersonal conflicts. Since December 2008, this form of therapy and its effectiveness is also recognized in Germany, while Austria and Switzerland recognized it already in the 1990s.

The development of non-therapeutic fields for Systemic Social Work, Systemic Consulting, and Systemic Coaching have been based on the same assumptions.

Students writing their research paper on Family therapy must know that the history of the family therapy approach provides the family system or the organizational system of a company as a resource, based on the individual members of both his abilities and strengths and can develop behavioral problems. A member of the group Indicates psychological or behavioral problems, the applicant shall be considered as a symptom carrier for the overall system. This can be shown, for example, in typical private conflicts with the partner or recurring problems with clients or colleagues.

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In contrast to the classical psychoanalytical schools, each having a founder and a center (Freud, Jung, Adler, and Frankl) that family therapy was founded in many places, by some mothers and many fathers. Foundations of the systemic approach are the Systems Theory and Constructivism (see also Ernst von Glasersfeld as the founder of radical constructivism).

The biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy, the founder of general systems theory sought a universal law applicable to a wide variety of systems model developed for this purpose and a metatheory. His account emerged from observations of common laws and basic fundamentals. A system is in this case a unit composed of elements – more than their mere sum. The elements have with each other and with other systems relationships: Such interactions can cause course on the properties of the elements addition.

Family Therapeutic thinking developed in the 70s and 80s of the 20th century in the context of the new branches of science of cybernetics and systems theory. In the course of time, a methodical approach and underlying assumptions have differentiated so that several schools still differentiate from each other: structural, and strategic family therapy, as well as family therapy with multiple generations (Milan model and Heidelberg School), narrative approaches (according to Michael White or Harold A. Goolishian), Family sculpture by Virginia Satir, Integrated family therapy (according to Hans-Werner Gessmann – Psychotherapeutic Institute Bergerhausen – Duisburg) or solution-oriented approaches of the school of Milwaukee.

The basic assumptions of the last decades of the 20th century, such as the double bind hypothesis of Gregory Bateson and Paul Watzlawick or the initial equation of family and system were indeed influential in the establishment phase of systemic therapy.

They are systemic therapists today but obsolete. Today’s theory was strongly influenced by the biological system theory of Chileans Maturana and Varela influenced, then by Niklas Luhmann has been extended and supplemented sociological systems theory.

Use structural marriage and family therapy free sample research paper to learn more on the procedure of research proposal writing.

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