Franz Kafka Research Paper

A prominent Austrian writer and novelist, one of the fundamentalist of modernist prose, Franz Kafka was born on July 3, 1883 in the Czech Republic to a Jewish family. His father was a merchant of average income.

His first education Franz Kafka received in elementary school (from 1889 to 1893). The next step in his formation was high school, from which Franz graduated in 1901. He then enrolled at the course of the Charles University in Prague and received the degree of Doctor of Law in 1906.

After the graduation, he began his career in the insurance company. Generally always very annoyed about his work and he did not consider it as something important. Most of his force was applied to a literary work, while all his career, Kafka worked as a small employee until the retirement.

We can help you write a research paper about Franz Kafka for you!

Most of Kafka’s works were written in German. His prose reflects a fear of the outside world, anxiety and uncertainty. Highlighting the spiritual experience of his work, Kafka got the glory of the creator-prophet. The artistic heritage of the writer includes three unfinished novels, several collections of short stories and parables, aphorisms, letters and diaries. During his life, Kafka published several collections of short stories, which did not attract much attention. He has become famous posthumously, when contrary to his will, his executor did not destroy the manuscript, and published them.

In 1909, two excerpts from the unfinished story Description of a Struggle were published.

In 1911, Kafka traveled to Italy, France, and Switzerland.

In 1912, he began to write his novel The Missing Person (later re-titled as “America”), finished The Sentence and Metamorphosis.

Contemplation was published in 1913. And in 1914 he began to write The Trial.

In 1917, he was diagnosed tuberculosis.

In 1919, he published his collection of short stories, titled “A Country Doctor.”

In 1922, due to illness, he was forced to retire.

June 3, 1924 he died in a sanatorium near Vienna.

In Kafka’s life had many problems, both personal and in relationship. He was very ill with a huge number of diseases and had a difficult relationship with his father. He could not start a family, despite there were women in his life. All this was reflected in the writer’s complex, absurd, and sometimes terrible, beautiful, and shocking works, as well as in his philosophy, which is lost in the absurd, and the reality is too closely intertwined with fiction.

To write a good research paper or proposal about Franz Kafka, it is important to study his biography from different aspects. In addition to this, you will have to express your on opinion on Kafka’s works. If you have not enough skills to do that, it may be helpful to use Franz Kafka free sample research paper topics.

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