Research Paper on Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships are an integral part of the social interaction and are considered in its context. Interpersonal relationship is objectively experienced, to varying degrees conscious relationship between people. They are based on a variety of emotional states of interacting people and their psychological characteristics. Unlike business relationships interpersonal communication is sometimes called expressive, emotional.

College and university students, seeking to prepare a good research paper on the chosen topic have to properly understand that development of interpersonal relationships is caused by gender, age, ethnicity and many other factors. Women’s social circle is much less than that of men. In interpersonal communication, women feel the need for self-disclosure, the necessity to transfer to other personal information about themselves. They often complain of loneliness. For women, the peculiar properties manifested in interpersonal relationships are more important, and for men it is business qualities of the person that matters. In different national communities, interpersonal communication are built on the position of a person in society, its gender and age status, belonging to different social strata, etc.

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The process of development of interpersonal relationships includes dynamics, regulatory mechanism of interpersonal relations and conditions for their development.

Interpersonal relationships may be developed over time: they can be born, fixed, they reach a certain maturity, after which they could gradually weaken. Dynamics of development of interpersonal relationships shows several stages: meeting, acquaintance, companionship and friendship. Meetings can be implemented depending on the socio-cultural norms of the society. Acquaintance form readiness to further develop interpersonal relationships. In companionship there is a convergence of views and supporting each other. Friendship has a common objective content, which can be common interests, goals, activities, etc. You can distinguish a utilitarian (instrumental-business) and emotionally expressive (emotional and confessional) friendship.

Mechanism for the development of interpersonal relationships involves interpersonal identification, which are the mental (perceived and understood), sensual (empathize) and effective. Between the three levels of empathy there are complex, hierarchically organized relationships. Various forms of empathy and its intensity can be characterized as a subject and object of communication. A high level of empathy causes emotion, compassion, etc.

Conditions for the development of interpersonal relationships significantly affect their dynamics and manifestations. In urban settings, compared to rural areas, interpersonal contacts are more numerous and are as quickly established as quickly interrupted. Influence of the time factor varies depending on the ethnic media: in Eastern cultures development of interpersonal relationships as it stretched in time, and in the western on the contrary is dynamically compacted.

Another important moment in writing a research paper on interpersonal relationships is that you may definitely use free sample research proposals to thoroughly study and analyze relevant data from all possible points of view and see all the unrevealed aspects. This will help you better understand the topic and to know the specificity of the subject to be able to prove the urgency of the chosen topic.

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