Research Paper on Kent State Massacre

The Kent State massacre was a tragic event in the USA history that took place in Kent, Ohio, during the anti-war demonstrations during the Vietnam War.

On May 4, 1970, the Kent State University students staged a protest against starting a few days before Cambodia Campaign. The authorities announced the cancellation of the rally. Ohio National Guard unit was introduced to the campus and took the order to disperse the demonstrators. For unknown reasons, the guards opened fire on the crowd, killing four and wounding nine students.

The tragedy sparked protests at the universities across the United States and attracted great public attention. The commission investigating the incident concluded that the use of weapons by Guard was unjustified. However, none of the guards has suffered any penalty, and the reason for opening fire remains unknown so far.

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On the background of the tragedy at Kent t he event in Jackson University (Mississippi) remained almost unnoticed. On May 15, in a similar incident police opened fire killing 2 people and wounding 12. After the shootings at Kent University and the Jackson (Mississippi) America Youth Protest marches swept across the country.

Texas students to protest, decided to take a giant march to the center of Austin – this time supposed attended by 20 thousand people.

Graduate student in the Faculty of photojournalism, John Filo, took a photo of a slain student Jeffrey Miller and bending over him a 14-years-old Mary Ann Vecchio. The following year he won the Pulitzer Prize for this picture.

Shortly after the 1970 tragedy at Kent State University, the local school teacher, began to insist on the fact that these four deserved to be killed. She claimed that, knowing full well, that at least two of them did not participate in the demonstration, but just were peacefully walking on campus when the shooting started. Nevertheless, she stubbornly repeated: ” Anyone who allows himself to appear long-haired, dirty clothes or barefoot in the streets of a city like Kent deserves a bullet. People who are acting like crazy, are not necessarily insane.”

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