Research Paper on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases refer to all infectious diseases, which are transmitted through sexual contacts “from the blood in the blood” (any sexual contact is accompanied by micro-traumas and capillary bleeding and for this reason homosexual contact is more dangerous than heterosexual as in homosexual contacts genitals are injured more than in heterosexual contacts).

You should use free sample research papers on sexually transmitted disease to understand that modern medicine refers to STD all infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact. In other words, all the diseases that reveal themselves not only through the lesions of the genital organs, but also of the entire body.

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The symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are:

  1. all kinds of discharge from the genitals,
  2. redness and swelling of the genitals,
  3. all kinds of rashes (or changes in skin color) on the body, on and inside the genitals (available at palpation),
  4. itching,
  5. pain in the groin, at walking and especially – when urinating.

What diseases are STDs other than well-known syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia STD include:

  1. AIDS,
  2. both types of hepatitis (B and C),
  3. trichomoniasis,
  4. ureaplasmosis,
  5. mycoplasmosis,
  6. papillomavirus,
  7. molluscum contagiosum, and a number of other, less common diseases (of the order of genital infections, there are about 20 of them).

It is these diseases that are transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although in the minds of most people the STDs are only to sexually transmitted diseases – that is what make them twice as dangerous.

If the first three diseases are more or less known to the majority of the population, all the other are either completely or partly unknown, which is more dangerous than complete ignorance.

However, it would be an exaggeration, to speak of availability of sufficient information on syphilis. According to the mandatory medical examinations of the population, there are often patients with syphilitic rash (i.e., ongoing syphilis).

Speaking about the dangers of half-knowledge, I mean the belief in the omnipotence of antibiotics. Antibiotics are really powerful argument in the fight against STDs, but is such in skillful hands. There is no antibiotic that will help against any infection. The entire line of antibiotics is developed based on the specific disease, because there is a huge amount of different infections. They have different nature (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites) and, therefore, can be got rid of only using the tools created specifically to deal with them. And what and how to counter a specific disease only a professional doctor can decide.

Those college and university students who have chosen the topic for their research paper have to remember that a long-running and not cured sexually transmitted infection can cause complications: male and female infertility, prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, epididymitis, neoplasms of genital organs.

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