Media and Politics Research Paper

The development of modern society is impossible without the existence of an effective system of social communication media. In this context, communication is understood as a socially conditioned phenomenon, whose main function is to influence an audience through the content of the transmitted information.

Mass communication is regarded as an indirect communication though the media, because direct communication involves a high, but not a mass audience and direct contact and interaction between participants of communication. Due to the increasing of the audience and difficulty to receive the audience feedback, the emphasis is made not on the interaction, but on the effect.

This feature is the main reason for close collaboration between media and politics.

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The study of political communication is based largely on the principles of social communication research. According to the findings of the sociologist Gabriel, any type of communication involves artifice and conscious management of information and communication resources: “social communication always involves conscious control of communication and the transformation of the natural, i.e., spontaneously developing communicative process in a new manageable communication reality. Such communication is a product and hence has a relatively artificial, i.e., not entirely spontaneous nature.”

In the structure of mass communication, the main role belongs to media to carry out regular exposure to numerically large dispersed audience. It includes radio, television, Internet, as well as cinema, theater, mass spectacle, fiction, and telephone, teletype, computer networks, etc.

The combination of these assets and their functional properties form the communication space that interacts with the political system. Currently, mass communication (MC) is not just a factor of production, distribution, and exchange of information, but also a form of organization of public communication processes. They, in turn, determine the direction and the corresponding character of the socio-political. Thus media can have the most significant impact on the mass audience.

Media performs important socially important functions:

  • Information – the rapid provision of relevant information to citizens about events and processes in social and political life. This feature contributes to a picture of the world and the individual’s orientation in a complex system of social reality.
  • function of socialization (including political) – the formation and maintenance of cultural and political stereotypes, norms of behavior, etc.
  • the function of mobilizing public opinion – to attract attention to a particular socio-political issues can cause a public outcry and lead to serious social consequences. The media can also be engaged by one or other political forces to mobilize public opinion in support of certain political actors.
  • feedback function of society and power structures – the media can be a means of expression and the public instrument of pressure on government institutions, encouraging them to take adequate measures.

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