Modern Family is an American tv series in the genre of comedy. The series were created on the scenario by Christopher Lloyd and Stephen Levitan and produced by the Fox Television studio. It tells the story about three quite different families: Clare is a mother-housewife that lives with her husband Phill in ordinary traditional family with three children, her father Jay is married to a woman almost twice younger than him, and her brother, who together with his partner has just adopted a Vietnamese child.
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The series started on ABC Septembers, 23, 2009. On January, 12, 2010 it was prolonged on ABC as the second season. On May, 10, 2013, the channel decided to broadcast the fifth season of the popular series, that started on air on September, 25.
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The series quickly became one of the most popular ABC shows, after the release of the pilot episode became very successful. As a result, the channel ordered 13 episodes and added them to the list of the 2009-2010 shows.
The full first season completed on October, 8 2009. It was met mainly with positive reviews, but there was quite a bit of negative ones as well, mainly touching the unconventional orientation of some characters.
On January, 12, 2010, the ABC Entertainment president Steve McPherson declared the show to be prolonged for the second season.
The second season began on Septembers, 22, 2010.
The third season began on September, 21, 2011.
The series plot runs around about three families that interconnected through Jay, his son and his daughter Clare. The families have to interact to find the resolution of the domestic problems.
Most episodes begin with a member of a family having some questions, answers to which he will be finding during the episode. The main line of each episode is accompanied with showing the families members closely with their tricks, adventures, problems and failures they have to face every day. Some episodes are focused on the roles of the father in a family, some on children and so on. Usually an episode is ended by the voice of one of the families member narrating his opinion. Some other episodes reveal an inner world of one of the families individually, without connecting it to the other families.
Modern Family was nominated for the great number of rewards. Among them there is a nomination by guilds of scenario writers of America at the 53th annual ceremony of the WGA Awards. In 2010, the Catholics in Media Associates gave the series CIMA Award, often referred to as Catholic Oscar.
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