Research Paper on Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are an ability and propensity to communicate, to establish contacts and relationships.

It should be noted that interpersonal skills includes two factors: the ability and the propensity to communicate. A person who knows how to communicate, but does not willingly, cannot be called a sociable person. And vice versa – those who do not know communicate, but are eager to do it, cannot be assigned to the category of communicable people.

In the interpersonal skills, sociability is the ability to establish contacts, the ability to constructively and efficiently communicate with other people. Sociability is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction involving both professional and personal relationships.

Sociability is one of the most important personal qualities in occupations involving active communication with other people, such as the activity, for example, of a sales manager, manager of public relations, and personnel manager.

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One of the features of successful interaction is open-mindedness to other people views. According Tjosvold and Poon, open-mindedness is a psychological concept whereby people consider the views and knowledge of other people, “while knowing that others should be free to express their views, and that the value of other people’s knowledge should be recognized.” This skill can take various forms. There are arguments that teachers in schools should focus on more open-minded attitude to science, rather than on those based on relativism because relativism is not the only approach adopted in the scientific community.

Open-mindedness is usually considered an important personal attribute for an effective participation of the person in top management and other working groups.

In communication theory, different authors have different definitions of the concept of interpersonal skills. In formulating the definition of interpersonal skills, we should start from understanding the essence and the basic characteristics of the individual as such. Then we can avoid both inaccuracies and ambiguities, and unnecessarily wordy constructions.

Identity as a social subject, socialized individual cannot exist except as a communicative person. If a man as a biological entity is not involved in the processes of communication, he could not turn into a social entity that is personality.

This suggests a broad understanding of the category “communicative personality.” In the broadest sense, the term “communicative person” is equivalent to the term “personality.” Since a private scientific discipline, unlike philosophy, enjoys a narrow understanding of the category “communicative person.” Here this term stands for one of the manifestations of the personality associated with the quality of performance of the function of the subject of communicative interaction.

Under communicative person in the narrow sense, we mean a stable system of socially significant qualities and properties that characterize the individual as a subject of social communication.

Free example research papers on interpersonal skills will help you understand the idea of communicative person.

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