Research Report on Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy Research Report:

Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy in an underage teenage girl (typically aged 13-18 years). The problem of teenage pregnancy has resulted from discrepancies in age of sexual and social maturity. Age and criteria of social maturity are not the same in different countries and cultures.

The occurrence of pregnancy in teenage girls has medical, social, economic, psychological, and other aspects. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is seen as a social issue resulting from lower level of education and higher poverty rates of teenage mothers and other consequences related to poverty of the teenage mothers. In developed countries, teenage pregnancy usually occurs outside of marriage and in many local communities and cultures is accompanied by social persecution. In these countries, according to the mentioned reasons, there have been many studies and campaigns, trying to uncover the causes of teenage pregnancies and limit their number. In others, particularly in developing countries, teenage pregnancy occurs within marriage and does not involve any social stigmas.

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The causes of early pregnancy depend on such factors as social and personal life of the young woman. An important reason is the absence or defect of sex education. The latter refers to a system of medical and educational measures to teach parents, children, adolescents, and young people the right attitude to issues of gender. As part of the larger category of “education of the individual,” sex education is one of the types of its content. In some societies, early marriage and traditional gender roles are important factors determining the rate of teenage pregnancies recorded. For example, in some African countries located to the south of the Sahara, the occurrence of early pregnancy is often seen as a blessing, confirming the fertility of young women. On the Indian subcontinent rate of early marriages and pregnancies are more common in traditional rural communities than in urban areas. In societies where adolescent marriage is uncommon, possible factors of teenage pregnancy are the young age at first intercourse and lack of contraceptive use. In developed countries, the majority of teenage pregnancies are unplanned.

Studies have shown that 11 to 20 % of pregnancies among teenagers is a direct consequence of rape, whereas approximately 60 % of teenage mothers had sex, prior pregnancy against their will. It is recognized that the majority of first sexual intercourse among women before the age of 15 was against their will. Guttmacher Institute has found that 60 % of women who had sex before age 15 years, were forced by men with an average age of six years older than them.

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