Research Proposal on Motivation and Labour Turnover

Labour turnover is the business process characterized by the fact that employees give up their workplaces and look for another occupation. The method of labor turnover is entirely a natural one because there are many professions which can be called the temporary ones and very few people decide staying at such a low-paid job long. Of course, for the majority of companies labor turnover is a painful and harmful process, because the boss has to look for the new employees and waste time for the operation of recruitment and selection and further training of the novice employees which costs money. Nearly every severe and the prestigious company tries to tie the employee to its staff to avoid training the new, inexperienced workers because every novice employee requires several months to understand the format and peculiarities of his duties.s of his duties.

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Sometimes labor turnover does not depend on salary or working hours, but the main trouble is motivation – inner and outer ones. Speaking of the external motivation one means the model of encouragement practiced by the leader or the manager of the company. If the working atmosphere is weak and the employee feels inconvenient, because of the constant rows and critique from the side of the manager, he quits the work being unable to stand the improper approach towards encouragement. In one speaks about inner motivation, he means personal preference and ambitions of the employee, who is not satisfied with the salary, lack of freedom of choice, creativity, etc. If one feels that it is impossible to climb up the career ladder within the company, he will quit the job, because his ambitions which motivate him are higher than the conditions which the current company can offer.

The student who is interested in the issue of motivation and labor turnover can make an informative and relevant research project which would describe the dependence of labor turnover on the style of encouragement practiced within the company and personal preferences of the employee. To prepare a well-designed plan, one should read about the problem a lot and select the best points on motivation and labor turnover which are worth additional attention. One can complete a brief outline of the questions suggested for the research and insert the methods for the investigation to impress the professor.

If there are troubles with the right organization of the assignment, the student can find the extra help in the Internet reading a free research proposal on motivation and labor turnover written by an expert. The student can dwell on the instructions and general view of the open sample research proposal on this topic and prepare his own well-structured and logical text.

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Custom Research Proposal on Motivation and Labour Turnover

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