Research Paper on Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorce, according to psychologists, is a stressful situation that threatens composure of one or both partners, and especially children. The situation of divorce in the family causes great harm to the mental health of the child for whom there can be no divorce with the father nor the mother. 5 to 7-year-olds, especially boys, are particularly susceptible to divorce, girls also experience separation from their fathers particularly acute at the age of 2 to 5 years. According to doctors, every fifth neurotic child survived separation from his father in his childhood.

Among others effects of divorce on children are:

  • 37.7 % of children have decreased academic performance,
  • 19.6 % have behaviors problems at home,
  • 17,4% require special attention,
  • 8,7% run away from home,
  • 6.5% have conflicts with friends.

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However, some psychologists believe that sometimes divorce can be regarded as a blessing, if it changes for the better conditions for the formation of the child, puts an end to the negative impact of marital conflict on child’s psyche. However, in most cases, the separation of parents has a traumatic effect on the child. And divorce itself is not the most traumatic as it is the situation in the family prior to divorce.

Joint research of psychologists and physicians have shown that even in infancy the child is able to experience acute psychological trauma, which is experienced by his mother as a result of divorce.

The result of responding to depressive mother’s condition may even be the death of the baby. This happens due to symbiotic relationship between baby and mother. When experiencing stress mother lavishes excessive care upon her baby, her emotional state is given to it in direct contact.

However, the most difficult situation arises when mother for some reason is forced, even temporarily, to be separated from the baby, give it to somebody else.

Quite often, children from divorced families are objects of moral and psychological pressure from the children of the affluent, two-parent families, which leads to the formation of a sense of uncertainty, and often anger, aggression. Formation and adaptation of the child’s personality even more complicated when he was a witness or a party to all the family conflicts and scandals that led to the divorce of his parents, and especially if one parent puts a child against the other.

The adaptability of the child is reduced in proportion to the length of the period during which he lived in a crumbling family. Students, who write their research proposal on the subject, have to remember that for adults a divorce is a painful, unpleasant, sometimes dramatic experience. For the child, the separation of his parents is a tragedy associated with the destruction of his habitat.

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